domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

MOVEMENTO CONTRA A LEI DE MURPHY (Movement against Murphy´s Law) was a creative social awareness campaign organized by ISSGA (Galician Institute of Occupational Saffety and Health) and the Ministry of Labour of the Galician Government. The target were young future workers, and the accomplished objetive was double: to make them be aware of the importance of preventing occupational disease and injury, and to teach them, on a participative and interactive way, how to protect themselves against industrial accidents that may occur in their future professional activity.

13NEGATIVO was responsible for the design and production of the central event. It took place in 7 technical colleges, taking part over 700 students.

Campaign closure with the presence of the Director of ISSGA and representatives of the Ministry of Labour. Screenshot of the website of the campaign.

Considering the target, to awaken interest, the event had to combine the educational aspect with entertainment. The central idea and message of the campaign were adapted in an innovative format of event that got students and teachers totally involved. Under a large big top tent, a great fictitious scene was built in a production of 75.000 € by a team of over 20 people: a nuclear plant about to have a serious accident as a result of the neglected management of its careless director (Murphy) and the deficient maintenance conditions. To avoid it to happen, the participants had to enter the facilities to visit different rooms. In each of them awaited diverse risk situations relating occupational saffety: electric risk, slippery flor, safety signs placed on an incorrect way, strident noise, flamable or toxic products, loads badly stored, ergonomics aspects… Only correcting these situations, by identifying and fixing them, they would succeed on reaching their objective. To get it done they had one hour and a half, approved personal protective equipment, and the knowledge adquired from the manuals about occupational saffety previously given.

Screenshots of the website designed for the event and some pictures of it. Link to gallery of images.

Recap video of the campaign:

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